Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Chicken or the Egg?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Is Everyone Ready for Fun? by Jan Thomas
Chicken's cow visitors try to jump, dance and wiggle on his couch, which is much too tiny for such exuberant activities!

"I Know a Chicken" Action Song:
I know a chicken
And she laid an egg
Oh, I know a chicken
And she laid an egg
Oh, my goodness!
What a shaky egg!

Shake 'em fast
Shake 'em slow
Shake 'em in a circle

Thank you Laurie Berkner Band for the music.  Listen in at!

First the Egg by Laura Vaccaro Seeger
This picture book about transformations poses the age old question, "Which came first?"

"All Around the Kitchen" Action Song:
All around the kitchen, cock-a-doodle, doodle, doo (repeat x4)
Now stop right there, put your hands in your hair
Wave your arms in the air, turn around in a circle
All around the kitchen, cock-a-doodle, doodle, doo (repeat x4)
Now stop right there, make your arms into trees
Wave your arms in the breeze, now wobble your knees!
All around the kitchen cock-a-doodle, doodle, doo (repeat x4)
Now stop right there, put your arms into wings
Now flap those things, fly around in a circle
All around the kitchen, cock-a-doodle, doodle, doo (repeat x4)
Now stop!

Thanks to Dan Zane for the music!  Check it out at:

Blue Chicken by Deborah Freedman
An enterprising chicken attempts to help an artist paint the barnyard and accidentally turns the whole picture blue.

We made our very own Funky Chickens at Craft Time!

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