Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Lucky... Seven!

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Seven Blind Mice by Ed Young
A retelling of the Indian fable, each of the blind mice explores the Something they have discovered by the pond.  But they disagree about what they have found...  Until the little white mouse looks at the whole, rather than just one part.

Quien Conduce? by Leo Timmers
Who is driving the fire truck?  Elephant!  He is driving to the fire station. Help me guess who is driving the race car, the tractor and the convertible...

Time to color the SEVEN for our book!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Celebrate Springtime!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Miss Tiffany visited us from the Children's Museum at 10:30am; we loved the "Taking Time, Taking Turns" theme!  The other sessions today enjoyed stories about SPRING!

Bear Wants More by Karma Wilson
Bear has just awakened from a looooong winter's nap, and boy is he hungry!  No matter how much he has to eat, he still wants more...

Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson
A mouse and its mother experience the delights of nature on a windy spring day.

The 11:30AM group turned cupcake holders into FLOWERS!

And the 3:30PM session made these fabulous spring flowers
that can hold a note, a picture or your favorite recipe!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Six... Ways to Sunday

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Digby Takes Charge by Caroline Church
Digby is a very good sheepdog, but when faced with six unruly sheep who ignore him even when he goes to extremes to make them obey, the farm's cows and pigs give him some sage advice.

The Gigantic Turnip by Aleksey Tolstoy
The old woman and the old man grow a turnip so big that it takes the combined efforts of six canaries, five geese, four hens, three cats, two pigs, one cow, and finally, one mouse to pull it from the ground.

Time to color the number SIX!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Jackson... FIVE

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Five Trucks by Brian Floca
Five different trucks do five different jobs to get an airplane ready for takeoff.

Five for a Little One by Chris Raschka
A young rabbit explores the world using his five senses.

Let's color the number FIVE for our books!