Wednesday, March 26, 2014

H is For...

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Today we enjoyed books about Hugs, Homes and Hippos!  You guessed it -- we love the letter H!

Leap Back Home to Me by Lauren Thompson
A little frog makes increasingly bold leaps out into the world, and then comes back to his mother after each excursion!

Oh, Daddy! by Bob Shea
A young hippopotamus shows his father the right way to do things, such as getting dressed, watering the flowers and giving big hugs!

H is for... HIPPO!

Monday, March 24, 2014

There's No Such Thing as a Gruffal -- OH!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

We had a special storytime today...  And a special VISITOR!

The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
A clever mouse uses the threat of a terrifying creature to keep from being eaten by the predators lurking in the woods... 

Here's a shot of me and my friend the Gruffalo, live and in person!

We Love the Rodeo!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

We loved having Miss Tiffany from the Children's Museum join us for storytime this morning!  In the afternoon, we celebrated the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo with some books about cows and cowboys!

Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin
When Farmer Brown's cows find an old typewriter in the barn they start making demands...  They even go on strike when the farmer refuses to give them what they want!

Let's Sing a Lullaby with the Brave Cowboy by Jan Thomas
Brave Cowboy tries to sing his young calf pals to sleep on a dark, dark night -- with humorous results!

Sherriff Riley is modeling the fancy cowboy hats we
made during Craft Time.  Get along, little doggie!

G is For...

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Our titles today featured animals that begin with G!

Silly Little Goose by Nancy Tafuri
A goose tries out a few odd places to make her nest before finally settling on a old straw hat.

Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae
Gerald the giraffe is too clumsy to dance with the other animals at the Jungle Dance...  Until he finds the right music!

Check out Giraffes Can't Dance at -- Gerald is the best!

G is for GIRAFFE!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

F is For...

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

F is for Fabulous!  We had Fun exploring Fiction about Farms and Flamingos as we Featured the letter F.

Sylvie by Jennifer Sattler
When Sylvie the pink flamingo learns her color comes from the little pink shrimp she eats, she decides to expand her choices...

Cock-a-Doodle-Moo by Bernard Most
When the rooster loses its voice and must ask the cow for help to wake everybody, the resulting sound provides a hearty laugh for the farmer and his animals!

F is for... FLAMINGO!!!

E is For...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Today we celebrated the letter E with excellent books about subjects beginning with E!

Roly-Poly Egg by Kali Stileman
Splotch has a very colorful polka-dot egg...  And this egg goes on quite an adventure before it hatches!

I Dream of an Elephant by Ami Rubinger
Elephants of many colorful shades are described in couplets that invite the reader to complete the rhyme using color-themed cues.

E is for...  ELEPHANT!!!